20241203 Youth Group

Hang Out

Opening Prayer by Andre


  • Power point presentation party next week (5 minutes maximum)
  • White Elephant gift exchange in 2 weeks! (12/17@6:30PM) $10-$20 gift
  • No YG on Christmas Eve or NYE ☹️
  • Text Cyndi, Ezra, or Andre if you’d like to be on the event planning team for 2025

Game: Ga-ga ball


Josiah’s Talk: Titus

Closing Prayer by Cyndi


  1. Cyndi
  2. Ezra
  3. AndreT
  4. Josiah
  5. Elena
  6. Ayla (1️⃣st week!)
  7. Ollie
  8. Zion
  9. Carrie
  10. Zelia
  11. Venessa
  12. Sebastian
  13. Isella