9/24 Karyn’s Talk September 24, 2019September 29, 2019 ezra (Pass out question cards) Review the data from what was turned in together. Why do you think people feel down about the way ... READ MORE
9/17 Cyndi’s Lesson: Sanctificati... September 17, 2019September 29, 2019 ezra (Credit to Aurelia for the analogy) So let’s say, you’re a cucumber. Everyone is born a cucumber already. ... READ MORE
9/10 Ezra’s Discussion: Simple September 10, 2019September 29, 2019 ezra Write down your answers to these questions in your notebook, and bring them to the discussion time. Notebook Questions: What ... READ MORE
9/3 Karyn’s Talk: Church Appeal September 3, 2019 ezra There are a lot of Bible verses about being together as a community, sharing together, serving together, and growing with ... READ MORE