Here is a (5 minute & 47 second) video about Jesus (optional)
Jesus is more than a prophet, more than a good teacher, he is the Messiah, God in the flesh. No one is (or will ever be) exactly like Jesus. He is even worthy of our worship, because He is God (God, the Son). He has the power to change us and this whole world, to create and to even destroy anything, He has the authority to rule, the love to listen and communicate with us, and the patience to give us time to consider His offer of forgiveness. But He is not going to wait forever, or compromise who he is for our selfishness and He won’t negate the truth of His word, the Bible.
Historians and scholars agree that Jesus was a man, many also agree that he was world-changing with his influence and wisdom.
Jesus is the messiah, the one to fulfill a prophecy of one who was to come and save God’s people from slavery and to rescue them from their oppressors. He is the Savior, and He is God. He is my Savior and my God, because I believe Him and His word, I prayed to accept His will for me and to lean on His wisdom for the decisions that I make, the relationships I invest in, and the risks I am willing to take to bring Him glory.
You might not be so sure yourself right now, but you owe it to yourself to find out the truth and not just carry on through life without really considering this as an important question to pursue an answer to. It is ok to be skeptical and curious, but using skepticism as a front for not caring enough to look for answers is dishonest. The direction of your life right now and your eternity depends on this. I care about your decision too. I encourage you to ask me direct questions about this too, or you can text if you prefer. I am sure the other leaders feel the same way.
So what are you going to believe? What difference will it really make for you to believe and to trust Jesus with your whole self? I would like to encourage you to pray with me if you want to make Jesus your Lord.
“For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
-Romans 10:10-11 (NIV)