12/15/2020 Ezra’s Discussion: Bad Advice


  1. Have you been given bad advice?
  2. When did you realize it was bad?
  3. How can you know what advice is good?
  4. How can you know whether or not to trust something or someone?
  5. What can you do if you realize you have already followed bad advice? 

Bible Passage:

“The idols speak deceit, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd.”

-Zechariah 10:2 (NIV)


Forgiveness and discernment for future interactions and received advice.


12/15/2020 Attendees:

  1. Ezra
  2. Karyn
  3. Cyndi
  4. Cuyler
  5. Tyler
  6. Noah
  7. Camden
  8. Jenn
  9. Josiah
  10. Zion
  11. Angel

Prayer Requests:

  1. Healing for Cyndi and her coworkers in the office


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