20230321 Youth Group

Ezra’s Opening Prayer

* Youth Camp Registration $430-$480
* sendmetocamp.com
* Sunday Church
* Monday Workout Group

* 4 on a couch
* Orange team wins!

* 5 minutes

Ezra’s Talk: Patience
* How have you been offended?
* What is your emotional response?
* What did you feel like doing?
* What did you actually do? Why?
* What should you have done/said?

“A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.”
-Prov 19:11 (NIV)

* How can you know if you really should overlook a specific offense?

Are there some offenses that really shouldn’t be overlooked?

* When should you apply this wisdom?

URL: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Prov.19.11&version=NIV

Cyndi’s Prayer

1. Cyndi
2. Ezra E
3. Noah
4. Zion
5. Eliza
6. Ollie W
7. Ezra W
8. Isella W
9. Angela H
10. Sam H
11. Camden T
12. Venessa (1️⃣st Week)
13. Bryan S
14. Carrie
15. Andre R (2️⃣nd Week)