20230606 Youth Group

* Fundraiser on Tuesday the 13th @9AM
* Water Activity forms for camp
* youth takeover at Hillside on June 25th

Game: Ultimate Anything
* Orange vs Purple Team

Worship: Cyndi Leads

1. Cyndi E
2. Ezra E
3. Zion E
4. Bryan S
5. Venessa H
6. Angie S
7. Ezra W
8. Ollie W
9. Callisto D
10. Tessa C
11. Carrie D
12. Zeke M 2️⃣nd week
13. Eliza M
14. Levi L
15. Charlie D
16. Zelia B
17. Isella W
18. Angie C
19. Siena C
20. Araina P
21. Annaleise Pells 2️⃣nd week
22. Andre R

Youth Leader Tasks:
* Follow up with teens on if they have Bibles
* Give Zion the earth ball, volleyball net, and spike ball game
* Follow up with Andre about his camp registration