20240507 Youth Group

Hang out


  • Fund Raiser Saturday – 12:30PM
  • Register for Youth Camp!
    • 6/21-6/25
    • $500 Early Price ends in 2 weeks, on 5/21, will be $550 after that.
  • Any more interest for Unite West?
    • Wait List (1)
    • 7/15-7/19
    • $485.00 Early Price ended on May 1st, now $520.00 + travel costs

Game: Word Lists

Notebooks (7 minutes)

Ezra’s Prayer

Ezra’s Talk: Flesh vs Spirit

“Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
‭‭-Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬ ‭(NIV‬‬)

What does it mean to sow & to reap?

What does ‘the flesh’ mean in this verse?

What does ‘the Spirit’ mean in this passage?

What does destruction mean here?

What does eternal life mean here?

Cyndi’s Prayer


  1. Cyndi
  2. EzraE
  3. Zion
  4. Eden
  5. EzraW
  6. Zelia
  7. Carrie
  8. Nathan
  9. Levi
  10. Charlie
  11. Ollie
  12. Andre
  13. Isella