(7/9) Ezra’s Sermon Notes
Ezra: Realize (who He is to you)
Know when God has shown up.
The two men in the Bible passage were kept from recognizing Jesus, but their hearts felt a burning within them that they recalled after they realized they had been with Jesus.
Why do you think Jesus would want to hide his identity from them for a time?
Perhaps he wanted them to know why it had to happen in this way, and they would have been so distracted by the excitement of Jesus being there that they would not have gotten the lesson that prophecy had been fulfilled according to scripture just as God had said it would.
Has Jesus revealed Himself to you in an unexpected way, through an unexpected person?
Jesus took the time to explain the details of fulfilled prophecy as described in verses 25-27 of Luke 24.
More importantly than having a wonderful and miraculous experience, Jesus wants us to remember why He had to die, what He has accomplished, and what He still is doing.
Remember what Jesus has said and done.
Memorizing scripture was strongly encouraged at camp, and could be one of the most valuable things many brought home – God’s word written on their hearts.
Think about something Jesus has taught us through His word, and then live it out.
Here is an example:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
-John 13:34-35 NIV
Here is another verse to challenge us to take action:
“Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”
-Hebrews 13:1-3 NIV
Be ready for Jesus to speak to you in an unfamiliar way.
Even through unfamiliar people. Be teachable. Love others who can’t repay you.
I love that the people of Hillside and Edgewater have loved and cared for Wired Youth group’s teens (and their parents) by financially sponsoring them to make camp more affordable.
You have been showing us the love of Jesus by meeting their and our real needs through your actions.
You also supported us all in prayer and encouragement, which energizes us and helps make our labor in this more refreshed and empowered.
Youth Ministry is not always easy.
Lives have been changed through your ministry and I am glad to be one of those affected by it. Thank you all for keeping the body of Christ (His Church) radiant and beautiful.